A set of exercises for the development of speed-strength qualities. Training and human hormones

Without serious training there will be no progress in the results. But it can be difficult to assess how “serious” they are for your body, especially for us amateurs. Sometimes an athlete works, works, performs a huge training volume, and the results do not grow. He begins to blame himself for not training enough, adds more, and as a result, an adaptive breakdown generally occurs. The body is a very complex thing, and all processes are regulated at different levels.

Many guess that training affects hormonal status, but few take into account the opposite: that hormonal status requires correction of training.

First of all, we will talk about amateurs, because doctors are watching professionals (in any case, they should be watching). Regular medical examinations and constant selection of analyzes enable the pros to build a training program taking into account their current state. But for amateurs who do not carry out so many medical procedures with them, some important principles also need to be known. Otherwise, sport can turn into self-torture, and without any significant result.


Do you think your training ship has positive or negative buoyancy? If negative, of course, the craft will sink, even with a properly running engine and a hardworking crew. To put it differently: even an ideal training program and complete dedication in the struggle for sports results can lead not to an increase in fitness, but to degradation or stagnation. just because the trainee drove himself below the waterline. Which? Yes, the one that defines the border between anabolic and catabolic hormonal status; the one that qualified athletes and coaches are well aware of, calling it for simplicity the “T / K ratio” (“testosterone / cortisol”). And although in fact there are much more hormones that determine the corresponding state, these two will be quite enough for a superficial acquaintance with the topic. After all, we do not need to write a dissertation with you, but we need to train correctly.

The ratio of testosterone / cortisol varies depending on the nature of the training loads

The dark and light sides of the force.

It is no secret that almost everything in our body is controlled by hormones, many of which have a complex effect on us. However, now we will only talk about the energy function of two hormones: testosterone and cortisol. The first of them is anabolic, that is, promoting education, growth, accumulation. The second is catabolic, that is, it promotes decomposition, excretion, and consumption. For clarity, we will give a couple of examples.

Example one: An athlete overcomes the distance of a marathon or even an ultramarathon. There is a third or fourth hour of highly intensive competitive work. More than 3,000 kilocalories have been expended - this is clearly more than the carbohydrate reserve that the body could have stored (besides carbohydrate reserves are never fully depleted). The average heart rate for a competitor is, say, 170 beats per minute (that is, the regime is far from aerobic). People who consider themselves fitness experts often say that fat cannot be burned in this mode..Then why does this marathon runner move - at the expense of the holy spirit? Of course, he eats at a distance, but even taking into account what he has eaten and drunk, it still turns out that by the third hour of work, fats have very actively flown into the furnace. For what?

You probably guessed that we are giving an example of the work of catabolic hormones, which the body begins to actively produce as the readily available glycogen stores are depleted. When the hormonal status changes to catabolic, everything flies into the furnace. In particular, fats are well used, which, with a neutral or anabolic status (background), really cannot be forced to “burn” at a high pulse. But the muscles in this state also "sit down", so if you constantly drive yourself only in such modes (without recovery work), the power potential will gradually fade.

Second example: The loader works day after day, unloading wagons with some weights. He works for a year, the second ... He is in better physical shape than office workers who are deprived of physical exertion. But the loader does NOT get pumped up like a bodybuilder, although he has a very large total tonnage. But as soon as he or even an office worker goes to the “rocking chair”, and after a few months of appropriate training, the muscles will begin to grow noticeably. What is the reason? After all, obviously, not in the number of weights lifted! As in the previous example, hormones work. The body begins to actively produce anabolic hormones in response to short-term muscle stress., into which they deliberately drive themselves in the "rocking chair", performing exercises according to the formula "up to" I can't, plus one more time. This forms an anabolic hormonal status, so the active muscle mass (involved in this work) begins to grow.

On the swings.

So, we have established that hormonal status changes under the influence of a different nature of stress(and not only). The T / K ratio can be large or small (in fact, other hormones “walk” as well, which sometimes even professionals forget about), which will determine the appropriate hormonal status - anabolic or catabolic. We deliberately do not name specific figures, since the borderline state (waterline) varies from person to person. Why, it doesn’t matter to us - we are not professionals, no one takes blood tests several times during a workout.

And now, attention (!), the most important thing! The effect of training depends NOT only on how you loaded yourself, but also on what your hormonal status will be during the subsequent recovery period. (after all, all positive changes in the body do not occur during training, but after it). If the status is correct, the correct processes will proceed and the effect will be high. If the status is NOT correct, there will be no effect (there are options “almost no” and “the effect will be negative”).

What is the correct status? For most training goals (not just muscle growth), anabolic status is the “correct” one. It is necessary for any muscle development (including the growth of the oxidative potential of the muscles, which affects endurance). A catabolic status is extremely rarely useful and only on condition that staying in it is limited to a short time interval - when “drying” or when training “fat metabolism” before extra long competitions (Ironman or ultra marathons). Therefore, it is very important that not only the training carried out is correct, but the entire training plan, built in such a way as not to drive yourself into the catabolic zone. Moreover, this plan is always individual - it must take into account how quickly the body recovers and how it reacts to a particular load. You can’t copy someone else’s plan without correcting it for yourself - the same sequence of training in a weekly cycle can maintain a high T / K ratio for one, and bring down this indicator for another. Accordingly, one person will develop with such a training plan, while the other will get overtrained and fall down.

Train less, develop faster.

The dream of every athlete sometimes becomes a reality. Most often, such “miracles” come out by accident, when, due to an injury or (in the case of amateurs) due to an acute shortage of free time, a person is forced to reduce training volumes. Logic dictates that his form will inevitably fail, but thanks to some incomprehensible magic, he sometimes not only does not lose, but even improves his former form in some way. This does not happen to everyone and not always. But if that happens, then this is not “magic”, but a change in hormonal status to a more favorable. Such a miraculous reaction of the body only says that before the load was dropped, a person trained more than his endocrine system could “hold”. His hormonal balance was not good enough (only slightly above the waterline). Reduced the load - the ratio of T / K increased, and in response to more modest training effects, the body more actively turns on the processes of long-term adaptation. That's all. Miracles do not happen!

How to manage your hormonal background.

Now let's move on to practice.

  1. Firstly, The body reacts sensitively to the nature of training. It will not be possible to describe correctly what exactly happens at different loads within the framework of an introductory article, but the simplest can be formulated as follows: long workouts cause a progressive increase in cortisol production, and short muscle stress stimulates testosterone production. The answers to the question “how long” and “what is short muscle stress” are very individual. In addition, you need to take into account the gender and age of the trainee. A woman after 45 and a man under 25 are two very different organisms in terms of hormonal status. Women and veterans have lower testosterone levels than men and youth, respectively. The production of cortisol is highly dependent on training. The higher it is, the later and softer the body reacts to the depletion of its resources by producing this hormone.
  2. Secondly, you can control your hormonal status by indirect signs. if you take care of yourself. Drowsiness, fatigue, lethargy, apathy - indicate that with a high probability you have overloaded yourself (there is a high probability that the status is “bad”). There are fewer signs of a “good” background. If you get enough sleep and have a good sex drive, then your hormonal status is likely to be “good”. Other signs - how the body takes the load: "went" with you or "didn't work." But this understanding comes with experience. For a good "feeling loved" you need not a year or two training experience.
  3. Third, don't forget that your status can be slightly improved by choosing a workout. For example, replacing a pre-planned long workout with a short speed or strength workout will stimulate testosterone production instead of the planned dose of cortisol. So, if there are doubts about the correctness of your hormonal status, you can go for such a substitution.
  4. Finally, if you look at how professionals build a training plan, you will find that they try to “close” strength work for long-term aerobic work or alternate it with speed-strength work. Let's say a few morning hours of aerobic work are often followed by rest and then evening strength training. It is better to go to bed with a “good” hormonal status.

Wind on your mustache, but do not try to blindly copy. Your body is your own, special. Find an approach to him - he will repay you kindly. Don't be afraid to rest after the training work done.

Information source: 1-fit.ru (2014).

Speed-strength endurance is the superpower of every athlete. Having developed it to the maximum, the athlete will no longer go down from the first place of the victory podium.

What is speed-strength endurance?

The ability of muscles to produce maximum effort for a long time is speed-strength endurance. This ability is also called explosive force"or" power "of the athlete. Examples of using explosive power are sprints, jumps, or weightlifting snatches.

In many sports disciplines, victory depends on demonstrating maximum endurance, speed, or strength. Therefore, performing athletes need to constantly improve all these physical qualities.

Development of speed-strength endurance

Developing by executing plyometric exercises. In these exercises, all movements are performed in an explosive manner. It is the fast execution speed that uses the maximum number of muscle fibers. And the work of the maximum number of fibers stimulates the growth of the explosive strength of the athlete.

The main method of improving this physical quality is circuit training. Circuit training consists of performing a series of exercises without rest. One series or one circle can consist of 3-10 exercises. Moreover, between the last rest is not provided, or it lasts only 5-10 seconds.

The selection of exercises in circuit training depends on the specialization of the athlete. For example, sprinters should focus on running exercises, and weightlifters should focus on snatches or jerks with a barbell.

However, for most endurance athletes, the general exercises below will work.

Exercises for speed-strength endurance

The most effective strength endurance exercises are:


  • Jumping on a support. Technique: Approach a stable support. The height of the support should be approximately at the level of the knees. Take a semi-squat position. With a powerful pushing movement of the legs, jump onto the support. Hold on it for 1 second and immediately go down. Repeat the jump several times. Don't forget that this exercise is done at a fast pace;
  • Jumping with a change of position of the legs. Technique: from a lunge position, relying on your right leg, jump up. While in a jump, change the position of the legs and land in a lunge position, but already on with support from the left leg. Then repeat the cycle several times. The speed of execution in this case is the maximum possible;
  • Running long jump. During the jump, almost all the muscles of the body are involved. Regular long jumping trains muscle endurance as well as running;

Other exercises

    • Exercise "Burpee" with a ball. Take the starting position: lying down with the position of the hands on the fitball. Then, in a quick movement, bring your knees to your chest and jump up while holding the ball in your hands. Land and return to the starting position. Then repeat the exercise several times;
    • Fast run. It is the main type of physical activity that increases the endurance of an athlete. To improve the speed-strength qualities of an athlete, weight-bearing or interval running is used. If it is necessary to increase the intensity of the loads, then the athlete switches to running uphill or running on the track at an angle;
    • Shot put or grenade throw. Throwing movements perfectly develop the strength endurance of the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Often, both of these exercises are included in the training program of all-around athletes;
    • Squats with a barbell in the Smith machine. To increase endurance, squats are performed in series at a fast pace. In this case, the weight on the bar should be 50-60% of one repeated maximum. The number of series in the exercise is 2-3. Each series consists of 2 sets of 40-50 repetitions. Rest between sets is 4-5 minutes, rest between series is 8-10 minutes. It’s worth noting that doing free-weight squats quickly can lead to loss of balance and injury. The Smith simulator is safer in this regard, so it is worth giving preference to it;
    • Exercise "Rowing" in the simulator. During this exercise, almost all the muscles of the body work. Involving the maximum number of muscle fibers in the work has a good effect on strength endurance.
    • Isometric exercises. In these exercises receive a static load. That is, they are in a tense state without movement. Despite the lack of muscle contraction, isometric exercises do a good job of training strength endurance.

Natural drug "Leveton Forte" for the development of endurance athlete

The most important achievement of a person is a victory over himself. Only by defeating yourself can you achieve impressive sporting heights. And for this you need to train competently and pay special attention athlete endurance development.

Taking natural vitamins plays a key role in improving the physical qualities of an athlete. The favorite among them is the Leveton Forte natural complex, designed specifically for athletes. Leveton Forte contains Leveton Forte root, drone brood, bee pollen, amino acids, as well as minerals to increase stamina.

Each component of the drug has its own unique effect:

  • Leuzea root contains about 65 ecdysteroids necessary for fast muscle recovery after loads;
  • drone brood increases muscle strength, which is very important for the development of strength endurance;
  • Bee pollen includes 20 amino acids, 28 useful trace elements and all the essentials. The rich composition of bee pollen provides quick recovery of the body after training for endurance;
  • The amino acids in the formulation are building material for muscles and are indispensable for the growth of strength endurance.

Regular intake of the drug "Leveton Forte" will allow you to achieve maximum sports results faster. After all, the combination of all its components not only improves the physical qualities of the athlete, but also promotes growth. A high level of this hormone in the blood increases muscle strength and significantly increases the athlete's endurance.



Athletes-vegetarians today are of little surprise. Many sports stars consciously choose this path and only win. Much more surprising is the fact that this practice existed long before vegetarianism became mainstream. The great athletes of the past basically refused meat, but at the same time they continued to beat record after record. Who are these heroes, and in what ...

Complex 2

General developmental exercises

1. Walking and running with additional exercises (performed in a relaxed manner): - running with pulling up the heels, running with high knees, running on toes, running on the heels, running with the feet “whipping” outward, running with wide knees;

Walking in a squat, jumping with a “frog”, walking in an emphasis lying, in an emphasis lying behind;

Flexibility exercises with a partner.

2. Gymnastic exercises for three (performed on segments of 15-20 m):

The first takes the second by the knees, the third - under the arms, lift and carry;

The first and second move forward on their knees, the third jumps over them;

The first stands in the main stance, the second tilts the body forward and takes the hands of the first, the third sits on the back of the second - walking forward;

Three stand side by side, the one in the middle is attached to the partners with his hands, two carry the third;

- one sits with his hands to the sides, two from a place jump over his hands;

Two stand facing each other, alternately pushing the third;

Complex 3

General developmental exercises

Gymnastic exercises:

1. Circles with arms forward and backward.

2. Stand legs apart - rotation of the torso to the left and right.

3. Continuing the 2nd exercise, deep torso bends with springy leg movements.

4. In a deep squat, grab your shins with your hands. Quickly straighten up, return to and. P.

5. Deep lunge forward, springy swaying, change of legs in a jump.

6. Deep lunge forward, arms extended forward - springy squats.

7. Jumping from place to side with legs in the air.

8. Jumping with pulling the knees to the chest, with an intermediate jump (then - without an intermediate jump).

9. Jumping from a place with legs spread in the air (with each jump, change legs).

10. Jumping on the spot with the shins back (arms above the head).

11. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms laid far back - springy torso forward.

12. Feet shoulder-width apart - rotation of the body with deep inclinations (right hand - to the left leg, left hand - to the right).

13. In an emphasis lying - change of legs by a jump.

14. From the emphasis lying down - jump into a squat - return to and. p. - jump into the tilt of the legs apart - jump into and. etc.

Options for the implementation of the complex:

1. Each exercise - 2 series x 5 reps; the complex is repeated 2 times.

2. Each exercise - 2-3 series x 5 reps; the complex is repeated 2 times.

3. Each exercise - 2 series x 5 reps; the complex is repeated 3 times.

Complex 4

General developmental exercises

1. "Cossack". Partners in the squat hold

2. In the supine position, grab the partner's thighs with your feet. Perform springy movements.

3. One partner lifts the other.

4. Partners hold each other's hands.

In the "sitting legs apart" position, rotation of the torso

right and left.

3. Hanging leg raises on the gymnastic wall

(raise legs, raise straight legs,

raise straight legs until it touches the wall).

4. Walking in a squat (3 x 10 m, 3 x 15 m, 3 x 20 m).

Return at normal pace

5. From the position on the back -

Raising arms and legs at the same time.

6. Quick rise to the top

with a strong upward movement.

7. Sit with straight legs.

Transfer of legs over a stuffed ball (with support on hands,

move the brushes, between the feet, a stuffed ball weighing 1 kg).

8. Jump rope on two legs

(2 x 20 seconds with an intermediate jump, 2 x 25 seconds

with an intermediate jump, 2 x 30 seconds without

intermediate jump).

Complex 6

Development of the strength of the muscles of the back and arms

1. Lying face down - alternate lifting of arms and legs.

2. In the prone position - push-ups on two benches.

3. Torso forward

(medicated ball in outstretched hands, weighing 1, 2, 4 kg).

4. Leap at an emphasis on the uneven bars - dismount

(height of crossbars at chest level).

5. Lying on a gymnastic horse face down,

fix the legs on the gymnastic wall -

tilts and rises of the torso (with a ball weighing 1 - 2 kg).

6. Push-ups in the lying position, without fully straightening the arms,

straightening arms, legs on the bench.

7. Lifting the legs and torso in the hang, bending over

(on the gymnastic wall).

8. Pull-ups on the bar or bars,

from a prone position at an angle, with a swoop on the projectile,

grip from below, from a swoop on the projectile, grip from above.

Complex 7

Jumping exercises

1. Jump rope on both legs

(with intermediate jumps), rotate the rope forward.

2. Alternately - 4 jumps to the left - 4 jumps to the right

(slightly pulling up the knees).

3. I. p. - legs together, arms extended forward,

the rope is folded in four. Figure eight spin

In front and behind the body.

4. The rope is folded in half in outstretched arms,

torso leaning forward - tuck jumps

Through the rope back and forth.

5. Legs apart, ball in outstretched arms,

the torso is tilted forward - describe the "eight" with the ball.

6. Feet together, arms with the ball extended forward

Throws the ball up - back, catching the ball with his hands behind his back.

7. Legs apart, ball in arms extended overhead

Circular movements of the body.

8. Lying on your stomach, the ball in outstretched arms

Body lifts.

Complex 8

Exercises for the development of jumping ability and agility

1. Jumping on one leg through the rope

With an intermediate jump (rotate the rope forward).

2. The rope is folded in half

Circular rotation of the rope on the floor,

jumping over the rope in a squat.

3. Legs apart, arms raised up

With a rope folded in four

Springy forward bends.

4. Jumping in a tuck over a shortened rolling pin.

5. Emphasis sitting behind legs apart

Raising the legs over the ball from right to left and from left to right.

6. Feet together, medicine ball arms down.

Two jumps in place, third jump

With pulling the legs to the ball.

7. Legs apart, medicine ball in stretch over

head hands - springy tilts to the right and left.

8. Throw the ball high up,

quickly sit down and stand up, catch the ball.

Complex 9

1. Emphasis sitting behind facing each other,

Simulation of cycling.

2. Partners stand facing each other, holding hands.

Partner A puts his right foot on his hands, partner B puts his left foot on his hands.

Turn under the "free" pair of hands. Don't let go of your hands!

3. Sitting back to back, legs straight, hands clasped above the head. Partner A - performs a forward bend B - back. Hands are straight, do it carefully!

4. Sitting at an angle facing each other, partner A rotates the legs around the legs of partner B.

5. Partner A in gray-haired legs apart, arms extended forward,

Partner B jumps over his arms from a place.

6. Partners stand with their backs to each other,

hold hands above their heads. Simultaneous lunge

forward (bend).

7. In the lying position, the partners crawl towards each other,

trying to grab by the hand and knock down. Keep score.

Complex 10

Exercises for the development of agility and flexibility

1. Standing nearby, hold the partner's hand,

put one foot on your hands - jumping forward

(15 - 20 m), then - a change of arms and legs.

2. Standing side by side, hold hands partner

overhead - lunges to the sides.

3. Partner A sits on partner B's lap,

puts his feet on his shoulders - springy slopes

torso back.

4. Partners stand with their backs to each other, hands clasped at the elbows

- simultaneous squats and straightening.

5. "Leapfrog" from a running start 1 - 2 steps (15-20 m).

6. Partners face each other,

putting his hands on his shoulders. Simultaneous abduction of the right

(left) leg.

7. Sit legs apart with your back to each other,

Points are counted (up to 6-8).

Complex 11

Strength and Agility Exercises

1. "Leapfrog" with the change of partners.

2. Two stand in a position of legs apart,

a third crawls under their feet.

3. The first stands in the position of the legs apart,

the second - bent over, the third creeps

between the legs of the first and jumps over the second.

4. The first is in the position one foot in front,

the second - in a bent position, holds on to his hands.

The third sits on the back of the second, holding on with his hands

behind the back of the first - walking forward.

5. Two partners carry a third

(holding his hands and feet).

6. Two partners clasp their hands, the third sits on them,

holding on to the shoulders - walking forward.

7. Two partners raise a third under the arms,

who bends his knees and carries him.

8. Two partners take the third by the hands and shoulders,

lifted high and carried forward.

All exercises are performed on segments of 15 - 20 m.

Complex 12

Strength Exercises

1. Jogging with relaxation exercises and gymnastic exercises.

2. Gymnastic exercises.

The choice of one of the proposed options for gymnastic complexes, each of which is repeated 2-3 times x 6-8 repetitions of each exercise. After each exercise - a short rest (up to 10 seconds).

First option:

Leg stand apart - in the hands of a stuffed ball,

stretch your arms forward, turning the torso to the sides;

Stance of burdens apart, arms with a stuffed ball raised up, torso to the sides;

Stand with legs apart, hands with a stuffed ball raised up,

Deep springy forward bends;

I. p. - the same as in the previous exercise,

wide circular rotation of the body;

Legs apart, medicine ball arms down.

Turning the body to the left, put the ball behind the heels,

turn the body to the right - raise the ball;

Second option: (with stuffed ball)

Sitting legs apart, torso to the left,

forward, to the right;

Sitting legs apart, turn the torso

Right, put the ball behind, take it from the other side;

Sitting legs apart, raise your hands with the ball up,

circular movements of the body;

Emphasis sitting behind - raise your legs above the ball;

- lying on the back legs apart - springy rise

and tilt the torso forward until the hands touch the ball.

Third option: (with stuffed ball)

Standing on one knee, turn the torso,

put the ball in the back, pick it up on the other side;

- kneeling, hands with the ball raised up,

torso to the sides until the ball touches the floor;

From the main stance - jumps on two legs

through the ball (forward, backward, to the sides);

Stand with legs apart, ball in hand,

circular movements of the body.

3. Sprint relay races - 4 - 5 times x 15 - 20 m. Rest between races

60 - 90 seconds.

Complex 13

1. Obstacle course (around trees, poles, over barriers, ditches, etc.). The pace of running is not very fast, obstacles must be overcome regularly. Eliminate the risk of injury.

2. Gymnastic exercises.

The choice of one to two options for gymnastic complexes. In each complex - 4-5 exercises x 4-5 repetitions. After each exercise, short rest (up to 10 seconds).

First option:

Springy torso to the sides

(hands on the back of the head);

Stand legs apart, torso back - right hand

Touches the left heel, left hand - right;

Legs apart, torso forward

until the elbows touch the floor;

- in the position of a deep lunge forward, swaying

with elbows touching the floor;

and at the same time raising your hands up;

Jumping on two legs, pulling the heels to the buttocks

with simultaneous rotation of the pelvis outward

(look over your shoulder at your heels).

Second option:

From the main stance, swing your legs to the sides

(shoulder height)

Seated legs apart, springy torso forward,

Head touching knees;

Lying on your back, throw your legs over your head,

semicircles with feet left and right;

Sit legs apart, torso

to the right, forward, to the left;

Squat legs together, knees apart, hands; on the belt

Springy swaying in a squat.

Third option:

Walking with a cross step forward (knees extended)

with the body tilted forward until the hands touch the floor;

Walking in an incline (knees are straightened),

Hands touch the foot behind the standing leg;

Walking with leg swings, right to left hand,

left to right hand;

Walking in a deep lunge with the support of the hands;

- "barrier gray", alternately for the left and

right leg;

Lying on your back, lifting the torso with simultaneous

pulling the knees to the chest.

3. "ABC of running":

Jumps with a roll from heel to toe;

Running high raising the hip;

Running with shin overwhelm;

Jumping from foot to foot.

Complex 14

Leading exercises for mastering the technique of running and jumping

1. Jogging on toes, with light accelerations of 20-30 m.

2. Gymnastic exercises.

Choice of 1-2 proposed complexes. Each exercise is repeated 4-6 times, followed by a short rest (10 seconds each).

First option:

Circular movements with both hands forward and backward;

Legs together, hands in the “lock” behind the head, circular movements of the torso;

The right hand is extended up, the other is lowered down, circular movements of the hands to the right and left;

Legs together, hands on the belt, circular movements of the pelvis in a wide amplitude;

I. p. - the same as in the previous exercise, swinging the leg forward and backward;

From the main stance, imitation of the movement of the push leg in hurdling (alternately for both legs).

Second option:

From a stand on the shoulder blades, spread your legs forward - backward;

Lying on your back in the position of a barrier step, imitation of the movement of the push leg (alternately for both legs);

Lying on your side, strongly bend the “free” leg and sharply take it down (alternately for both legs);

Emphasis lying behind, alternating rotations of the legs to the left and right;

Lying on the stomach, arms to the sides, raise the right leg up and pull it to the left arm, then the left leg to the right arm.

Third option:

Legs together, arms raised up, jump to the side while tilting the torso;

Jump in place up with the body bent to the side;

Wide lunge forward with a turn of the torso to the side;

Walking in a cross step (knees straightened) with the body tilted forward, touching the floor with your hands.

3. "ABC of running":

mincing run;

Jumps on two legs to the left - to the right;

Jumps on one leg;

- "jumps" high on the foot;

Running high raising the hip;

Running "wheel";

Jumping in step;

Walking with a cross step.

4. Running with an acceleration of 80-100 m, achieving a speed close to the maximum in the last 20-30 m.

Complex 15

1. Warm-up run.

2. Gymnastic exercises with shells (medicated ball, core). Choice 1 - 2 of the proposed options for gymnastic complexes. Each exercise is repeated 6 - 8 times, after a short rest - the partners change places.

First option:

Standing with your back to each other, raise your hands with the ball up - springy torso to the sides;

Standing with their backs to each other at a distance of one step, turning the body to the right (left), pass the ball;

Standing side by side at a distance of one step, turning the body to the right (left), pass the ball;

Standing side by side, grab your partner’s shoulders, simultaneously jump over the ball (forward, backward, to the sides);

I. p. - the same as in the previous exercise. Simultaneous lunge to the side through the ball.

Second option:

Sitting legs apart, raise your arms up, tilt your torso with a turn, put the ball on the floor (the partner holds the feet);

Lying on your back, the ball is in the arms extended behind the head, straightening and bending forward (the partner holds the feet);

Sit legs apart, arms above the head, wide circular movements of the torso (the partner holds the feet);

Lying on your back (head to head), hold hands, raise your legs, breeding - bringing your legs over the ball;

Lying on your side, swing your leg back and forth over the ball (the partner holds the shoulders).

Third option:

Lying on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, raise your torso (the partner holds the feet);

Lying on your side, raise the torso (the partner holds the feet);

Standing leaning forward, pick up the ball from the floor and throw it over the side;

Standing legs apart, arms with the ball stretched up, throwing the ball down for yourself;

Throws the ball forward to the squat (keep your distance).

3. Spurts of 20-30 m:

From a high start, from a squat, from an emphasis lying down, from a position lying on your back, lying on your stomach, etc.

Follow the correct implementation of the starting position.

Start on command, rest between races - 60-90 seconds.

Drawings for variants of gymnastic complexes

Complex 16

Exercises for the development of speed-strength qualities

1. Jogging on socks;

Running backwards;

Running with a cross step;

Running with turns and light accelerations.

2. Gymnastic exercises.

The choice of 1-2 of the proposed options for gymnastic complexes. Each exercise is repeated 4-6 times, followed by a short rest (up to 10 seconds).

First option: (exercise with a partner)

Standing facing each other, spread your legs, as when walking, push your partner away;

Standing in the position of the legs apart at a distance of one step with their backs to each other, hold hands above the head, alternating torso forward;

I. p. - the same as in the previous exercise. Circular movements of the hands forward (backward);

Standing in the position of the legs apart at a distance of one step facing each other, take your hands above your head, springy torso forward;

Partner A in a lying position, performs “push-ups”, partner B holds his legs by the shins.

Second option:

Standing with their backs to each other (legs together, arms raised up, to the sides), hold hands, lunges to the side while tilting the torso;

I. p. - tilt forward facing each other, legs apart, hold hands, turns the body to the left and right;

Standing with their backs to each other (legs together, arms raised up), hold hands, alternately pull the partner over the shoulders up;

Partner A lies on his back, partner B leans forward, resting his hands on partner A's hands, simultaneously bending and straightening his arms;

Emphasis sitting behind the knees bent (facing each other), simultaneously raise and lower the legs.

Third option:

Standing in an inclination forward facing each other, hold hands, simultaneous extension and bending of the arms;

Standing facing each other (legs together, arms extended forward), hold hands, simultaneous, deep squats and standing up;

I. p., as in the previous exercise, alternating squats;

Partner A in a squat, arms forward, partner B stands facing him and holds his hands, partner A bends his arms under the weight of partner B and unbends them with resistance;

Partner A in a deep squat, hands forward, partner B takes his hands and pulls him up.

3. A game with elements of sprinting and coordination of movements.

Drawings for variants of gymnastic complexes


Complexes of general developmental exercises

Complex: 1 (fig.).

Total time - 7 min.

Working time - 3 min.

Approximate number of movements - 220 .

1. I.p. - main stand. In walking for each step - moving the arms forward, sideways, forward, down, backward - 6 times.

2. The same, but moving the arms forward, in front of the chest and forward, down, back - 6 times.

3. I.p. - Feet shoulder-width apart, right hand up, left hand down. Two snatches followed by a change of hands. Movements begin smoothly with a gradual increase in amplitude - 8 times.

4. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows, Two jerks in front of the chest with bent arms and two jerks with straight lines. During jerks, the elbows and shoulders are at the same level, while jerking with straight arms, the palms are turned up -10 times.

5. I.p. - Feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. Springy inclinations of the torso to the legs, in a series of two repetitions to each leg -5 times

6. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms in front to the sides. Alternate swings with a straight leg to a horizontal position with reaching the sock with your hands - 6-8 times.

7. I.p. - legs apart, hands behind the head. Rotate the torso at the hip joint, alternating rotation to the right and left. Breathing is arbitrary - 5 times.

8. I.p. - main stand. Alternate the transition from the main rack to the emphasis lying down through the emphasis crouching - 6 times.

9. I.p. - legs apart, hands behind the head. Transferring the center of mass from one leg to another, alternately changing the position of the support. Keep your head and back straight, elbows pulled back to failure - 8 times.

10. I.p. - stand on toes, legs together, hands on the belt. With tempo jumps in place (on the fourth turn by 180 °), keep your shoulders straight, shoulder blades laid back. Breathing is arbitrary, do not hold - 6-8 times.

Complex 2 (fig.)

Total time 16 min.

Working time 8 min.

The approximate number of movements is 850.

1. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, rotate the head alternately to the right and left sides - 4 times.

2. Holding hands at the top - rotation around the body to the left and right side - 8 times each.

3. Transfer of the partner on the shoulders on segments of 20 m - 1-2 times.

4. Alternately lifting and shaking the partner lying on his back - 7 times.

5. Yielding power resistance during flexion and extension of the arms - 20 times each.

6. Alternately straighten the legs from the group to the corner, hold the partner on the shoulders with a grip on the elbows - 10 times.

7. Pushing the resisting partner forward on segments of 15 m - 2 times.

8. Running in a circle in opposite directions ahead of the partner, the diameter of the circle is 10-15 m - 3 times.

9. By grabbing the partner by the wrists, forcefully pulling him to his side - for 50 s.

10. By gripping lifting the ankle of one leg with support on the other, forcefully pulling the partner to his side with the help of the legs - 5 times.

11. From a high start position, running "snake" with acceleration on segments

15 m - 5 times.

Complex 3 (Fig.).

Total time - 19 min.

Working time - 9 min.

Approximate number of movements -1300.

1. From the stop while standing, bending with support on the barrier, swaying, stretching the shoulder joints - 10 times.

2. From the main stance, running in place with a high hip lift at the fastest pace - 20 times.

3. From an emphasis sitting (hands behind, legs in a grouping), straightening the legs into a corner, followed by a return to the SP. - 10 times.

4. From the stop lying on the bench, push-ups, bending and unbending the arms, 2 series - 10 times.

5. Walking on the inside and outside of the foot on the Yum segment - 5 times each.

6. From two steps, a jump in a step, followed by a repetition of the exercise - 10 times.

7. Jump from two running steps with a basketball backboard - 10 times.

8. Standing with the right (left) foot on the bench, tempo jumps over the bench with a change of pushing leg in an unsupported position - 15 times each.

9. Jumping in step from foot to foot, across lines, on segments of a straight line of 20 m - 3 times.

10. From a low squat position, goose step forward in a straight line or in a circle - 20 m.

11. From the position of a high start "shuttle run" with acceleration on segments of 20 m with repetition - 6 times.

Complex 4 (Fig.).

Total time - 20 min.

Working time - 7 min.

The approximate number of movements is 650.

1. Walking on toes, maintaining balance, along the wide or narrow part of an inverted gymnastic bench - 6 times.

2. Standing, legs apart, hands behind the head, forward bends - 10 times.

3. From the stop sitting, arms behind, legs apart, stuffed ball between the legs, raise the legs to a vertical position, connect them together - 12 times.

4. From the stop, crouching to get up, maintaining balance, on one leg, alternating legs - 7 times.

5. Sitting on your knees, hands arbitrarily, sit down alternately from the right (left) side, helping to maintain balance with your hands - 8 times.

6. Sitting on a bench, holding its near edge with your hands and fixing your legs on the rails of the gymnastic wall, springy bends forward and backward - 15 times.

7. Lying on the stomach on the floor, arms along the body, abduction of the legs and torso back with fixation of the bent position - 12 times.

8. Jump up in place, holding hands on the belt, landing alternately on the right (left) leg - 12 times.

9. From the stop, crouching leaks with moving forward in a low squat with support on the hands - 20 m.

10. Jumping in place through the rope, rotating it forward - 60 s.

11. Jumping from the bench - legs apart and onto the bench - legs together with moving forward - 5 times. rice.

Complex 5 (Fig.).

Total time - 19 min.

Working time - 11 min.

1. Carrying the ball alternately with the right and left hand, raising and lowering it - 15 times.

2. top gear mints above you to a height of 2 m, standing still - 20 times.

3. From the stop, crouching, stand up with alternately abducting the right (left) leg back and arms up, to the sides - 10 times.

4. Moving with wide steps with the ball in different directions, simulating the transfer of the ball - 60 s.

5. Standing bent, legs apart, hand-to-hand transfer of the basketball ball "eight" around the legs - 10 times.

6. Standing with the right (left) foot on the bench, tempo jumps over the bench with a change of pushing leg in an unsupported position - 20 times each.

7. Lying on the stomach, throwing and catching the ball with a rebound from the wall, 2 series - 10 times.

8. From a semi-squat, hands behind, jump from a place in length - 15 times.

9. Keeping a basketball in a vicious circle, alternating running with walking - 2 min.

Complexes of exercises for the development of speed-strength qualities

Complex 6 (Fig.).

Total time - 17 min.

Working time - 9 min.

The approximate number of movements is 1500.

1. Running with high hips. Options: holding hands behind back; spreading your legs wide. The pace is medium and fast - 3 x 20 m.

2. Starts from the stop crouching with the legs set back or to the side. Option: without support by hands. Perform quickly - 3 x 20 m.

3. Running from various starting positions. Options: sitting; sitting cross-legged; sitting with your back to the direction of running. Perform quickly - 2 x 20 m.

4. Running after touching the suspended ball with the foot. Options: get in a jump; running right, left, back - 3 x 20 m.

5. Running with side steps. Option: raising your knees high. The pace is medium and fast - 4 x 15 m.

6. Running with cross steps in a straight line. Average pace - 4 x 20 m.

7. Running "snake". Options: by changing the curvature of the turn; chasing a partner. The pace is medium and fast - 3 x 20 m.

8. To catch up with a partner starting 2-3 m ahead - 3 x 20 m.

Complex 7 (Fig.).

Total time - 13 min.

Working time - 9 min.

1. I.p. - stand, feet shoulder-width apart, torso slightly tilted forward, arms bent at the elbows at a right angle. Hand movements, as when running. The pace is medium and fast - 3 x 10 s.

2. "minching" run. The pace is medium and fast - 3 x 20 m. 3. Running in place with an active setting of the foot on the front of the foot. The pace is slow, medium and fast - 3 x 10 s.

4. I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body, legs extended. Alternately raising and lowering the legs bent at the knee joints. Imitation of running movements lying down. The pace is fast and medium - 3 x 10 s.

5. Running with high hips, legs slightly wider than usual. Count the number of repetitions for each leg. The pace is fast and medium - 2 x 25 m.

6. Alternate repulsion with the left and right foot due to flexion of the hip and foot with active work of the hands (jumping run). The pace is fast. Rest interval 30 s. - 2 x 20 m.

7. From the stop, crouching somersault forward, quickly get up and run 10 m.

The pace is fast. rest interval between

exercises 20 s. - 6 times.

Complex 8 (Fig.).

Total time - 13 min.

Working time - 7 min.

The approximate number of movements is 600.

1. Repulsion by hand from the support. The pace is average - 10 times.

2. Throws stuffed ball (weight 0.5 - 2 kg) with two hands from the bottom forward up - 10 times.

3. Lying on the stomach, alternately bend the leg at the knee joint, overcoming the moderate resistance of the partner. You can bend both legs at the same time - 15 times.

4. Lifting the thigh with weights (sandbag, disk from a barbell weighing 5-10 kg). The pace is medium and fast - 10 times each.

5. I.p. - lying on your back, hands behind your head, legs together. Rapid lifting of the legs and torso. Return to I.P. slowly - 10 times.

6. Jumping out of the starting position, standing with a pushing leg on a support 20-30 cm high. Pay attention to the work of the fly leg. The pace is average with acceleration of movement at the end - 10 times.

7. Jumping over stuffed balls, pushing off with two legs. Average pace - 5 x 10 jumps. rice.

Complex 9 (Fig.).

Total time - 17 min.

Working time - 9 min.

The approximate number of movements is 1200.

1. I.p. - the right leg on a support 20-30 cm high, the left leg on the floor. Rise to the front of the foot, when lowering, touch the heel of the floor. The pace is medium and fast - 15 times each.

2. With two or three take-off steps, pushing off with one foot from a hill 60 cm high, jump over it. The pace is fast - 10 times

3. With a push with two legs with an energetic wave of the arms, jump up, bending the legs at the knees, bend. The pace is fast and medium. Rest interval 30 s. - 4 x 5 jumps.

4. From a run, pushing off with one foot, jump to a hill 60 cm high, pulling up the push leg and maintaining balance. The dismount is arbitrary. The pace is medium and fast - 6 times each.

5. With a push with both legs, perform jumps in place with a 360 ° turn over the right and left shoulders. The pace is average - 6 times.

6. Jumping over the gymnastic bench with your back forward from a place. The pace is fast - 8 times.

7. From a running start, pushing off with one foot, fig.

jump on a hill 60 cm high.

Jump off with a turn of 180 °, the pace is fast and medium - 10 times.

8. With a push from a place, jump to a hill 50-60 cm high, the pace is medium and fast. Rest interval 20 s - 3 x 10 jumps.

Complex 10 (Fig.).

Total time - 13 min.

Working time - 7 min.

The approximate number of movements is 1100.

1. Jumping over the bench along it, turning left and right, pushing off with two legs. The pace is medium and fast - 3 times,

2. I.p. - Feet shoulder width apart. Jumping over the bench along it, pushing off with two legs. Connect the feet above the bench. The pace is medium and fast - 3 times.

3. I.p. - Feet shoulder width apart. Jumping over the bench along it with your back forward, pushing off with both legs, connect the feet above the bench. The pace is slow and medium - 2 times.

4. Jumping on one leg across the bench along it. The pace is slow and medium - 1 time.

5. Jumping over the bench along it, pushing off with both feet and turning, each time 180 °. The pace is average - 2 times.

6. Jumping from foot to foot over gymnastic benches or stuffed balls. The distance between obstacles is 1-1.5m. The pace is medium and fast - 6 x 5 jumps.

Complex 11 (Fig.).

Total time - 16 min.

Working time - 9 min.

The approximate number of movements is 1100.

1. Jumping up, pushing off with one foot. Options: taking out an object with a hand, taking out an object with a foot. The pace is average - 10 times.

2. Jump on two legs forward from a place, followed by a jump up (get the object with your hands). The pace is fast - 10 times.

3. Pushing off with both legs, jump to a hill, jump off and jump again to the next hill (height 40-80 cm). The pace is medium and fast - 7 times.

4. Actively working with your arms and pushing off with your legs, jump to a hill, followed by a dismount into a deep squat. The pace is medium and fast - 8 times.

5. Long somersault forward with the transition to an easy run. The pace is medium and fast - 5 times.

6. Jumping from hill to hill (pedestal, goat, horse). The pace is medium and fast - 7 times. rice.

Similar information.

The performance of track and field athletics is associated with strength qualities, as the ability to provide and overcome resistance through muscle efforts. They manifest themselves in mixed dynamic regimes with a rapid transition from yielding to overcoming actions.

In yielding modes, the athlete is able to show greater strength than in overcoming modes (for example, when jumping off a hill). The overcoming dynamic mode is characterized by a sharply accelerated overcoming of burdens or resistance in the form of an explosive "ballistic" force.

The rate of increase in force is determined by the concept of "force gradient".

Speed ​​as a motor quality is a complex of functional properties of the body, reflecting the speed capabilities of an athlete. The faster the strength increases, the greater the effect can be achieved in speed-strength exercises: sprinting, jumping and throwing.

Purposeful and highly effective development of speed-strength qualities in various ratios of manifestation of strength and speed is achieved only when you know the specific requirements and characteristics of movements and your limiting links when performing the chosen type.

Constantly focus on them when choosing the appropriate complexes of special preparatory exercises. In this case, you will be able to individually select the means that meet the specifics of the qualities you show in the main competitive exercise (Popov V.B., 2001).


- with overcoming the weight of one's own body: fast running, jumps, jumping on two legs from a place and from a run (various in length and speed), in depth, height, distance and in their various combinations, as well as strength exercises, exercises on gymnastic shells;

- using the influence of the external environment: running and jumping uphill and down the mountain, up and down stairs, on various grounds (lawn, sand, shallows, sawdust, paths in the forest, against the wind and downwind in sneakers and barefoot);

- with overcoming external resistances in the fastest possible movements, in exercises with a partner, in exercises with weights, in throwing various projectiles (stuffed balls, stones and shots of various weights).

The speed-strength training of a young sprint jumper can provide the development of the qualities of speed and strength in the widest range of their combinations. According to V.B. Popov, it includes three main areas, the division into which is conditional and is accepted for simplicity, clarity of presentation and accuracy in the application of exercises.

First. In the high-speed direction in training, the task is to increase the absolute speed of the main competitive exercise (running, jumping, throwing) or its individual elements (various movements of the arms, legs, body), as well as their combinations - starting acceleration and distance running, run-up and repulsion in jumps, acceleration of the body and the final part in throwing.

Movements should be performed as quickly as possible, preferably faster than the main exercise or its element, and alternate with a given speed - 95-100% of the maximum. The speed of movements is achieved by improving the coordination of movements and consistency in the work of muscle groups (tension-relaxation).

With continuous repetition of exercises, speed can be increased to maximum gradually - this will preserve freedom and range of motion. Enslavement and even straining is a serious enemy of speed.

The main competitive exercises or its individual elements are used, as well as their combinations without weights, in running, jumping, multi-hopping from different run-ups; running, jumping against the wind, uphill, increasing the length of steps, the distance between barriers, the height of obstacles. Exercises are performed as quickly as possible and alternate at a given speed. In these exercises, the greatest power of movements is achieved and their full amplitude is maintained.

The weight of weights or resistance ranges from 80% to the maximum, and the nature and pace of the exercise is different - from 60% to the fastest. The more the force of muscle contraction and your volitional efforts associated with it are manifested, the more effectively it develops. In these exercises, the highest indicators of absolute muscle strength are provided.

The most important!

To evaluate the effectiveness of speed-strength training, many authors (Kreer, M. Shchur, V.B.

The measurement must be carried out under standard conditions after a warm-up, at certain intervals (1 time in 1-2 weeks), and always at the stages of training.

When performing special exercises, you should follow the methodological rules:

- express clearly, understand what motor task is solved in this exercise;

- develop motor sensations, muscle memory and control over freedom of movement;

- follow the correct pattern, amplitude, tempo and accents, as well as the angular values ​​of the manifestation of maximum muscle efforts for selective and most accurate impact on certain muscle groups in accordance with the working phases of the competitive exercise;

- see and feel the main link and evaluate the effect of the exercise;

- repeated execution of inaccurate movements more often only brings harm;

- use the reflex strength and elasticity of pre-stretched muscles, constantly stimulate the stretch reflex, performing exercises in the rhythm of elastic swaying;

- to know (and then to feel) that the faster the change in the direction of movement is performed, the transition from the yielding mode in the work of the muscles to the overcoming, from flexion to extension, from "twisting" to "untwisting" and the shorter the braking path, the greater the impact your musculoskeletal system in this exercise, concentrate volitional efforts on the energetic explosive nature of the manifestation of efforts;

- remember that the number of repetitions in one approach should be up to a feeling of slight fatigue, optimally 25-30 in jumping exercises and

without weights, 10-15 in exercises with the use of small weights or efforts on simulators.

To improve the low start, starting acceleration and transition to distance running, the following exercises are recommended:

running from the start uphill 6-10 running steps with running out to the horizontal part of the path-path;

running through a small ravine (20-30 m) with active running down and running up by inertia, and then turning, etc. - 5-6 repetitions in a series, rest, only 2-3 series;

exit from the start with an emphasis on the blocks or a wall with a leg extension, long jumps from the blocks; imitation of running from the start in walking with wide strides, keeping the slope and balance, the same uphill;

the fastest movements of the arms, legs (with support against the wall);

Helpful advice!

basic running exercises: with a high raising of the hip with an emphasis on lifting and lowering, with overwhelming the lower leg - all moving forward, pushing off with the foot. In each exercise, it is useful to change the pace, the degree of advancement, end the exercise with a transition to running;

run-up multi-jumps 2-6 running steps: steps from foot to foot, jumps on one, the same on an inclined path, up and down the stairs. In these exercises, elasticity develops in the bonds of body parts and the power of repulsion increases. This is the best exercise for strengthening the back of the body and especially the lumbar spine.

Exercises with weights, jumps on one leg can damage the child's incompletely formed body. Therefore, the selection of means and methods of speed-strength training should be carried out in accordance with the anatomical and physiological characteristics of children of this age.

Source: http://sport.bobrodobro.ru/17368

Methodology for the development of speed-strength qualities

The performance of track and field athletics is associated with strength qualities as the ability to provide and overcome resistance through muscle efforts.

They manifest themselves in mixed dynamic regimes with a rapid transition from yielding to overcoming actions.

In yielding modes, the athlete is able to show greater strength than in overcoming modes (for example, when jumping off a hill).

The overcoming dynamic mode is characterized by a sharply accelerated overcoming of burdens or resistance in the form of an explosive "ballistic" force. The rate of increase in force is determined by the concept of "force gradient".

Rapidity as a motor quality, it is a complex of functional properties of the organism, reflecting the speed capabilities of an athlete. The faster the strength increases, the greater the effect can be achieved in speed-strength exercises: sprinting, jumping and throwing.

Therefore, speed-strength training includes a variety of means and techniques aimed at developing the student's ability to overcome significant external resistances with the fastest possible movements, as well as during acceleration and deceleration of the body and its links.

Targeted and highly effective education of speed-strength qualities in various proportions, manifestations of strength and speed are achieved only when you know the specific requirements and characteristics of the movements and your limiting links when performing the chosen type. Constantly focus on them when choosing the appropriate complexes of special preparatory exercises. In this case, you will be able to individually select the means that meet the specifics of your qualities in the main competitive exercise.


A variety of exercises are used to solve specific problems of speed-strength training:

With overcoming the weight of one's own body: fast running, jumps, jumping on one and two legs from a place and from a run (various in length and speed), in depth, height, for a distance and in their various combinations, as well as strength exercises, weight lifting and on gymnastic equipment;

With various additional weights (belt, vest) in running, jumping exercises, jumping and throwing;

Using the influence of the external environment: running and jumping up and down the mountain, up and down the stairs, on various grounds (lawn, sand, shallows, sawdust, paths in the forest, against the wind and downwind in sneakers and barefoot);

With overcoming external resistances in the fastest possible movements, in exercises with a partner, in exercises with weights of various weights, 1 type (cuff weighing 0.5 kg, weighted belt and stuffed balls weighing 2-5 kg, dumbbells and kettlebells weighing 16-32 kg , sandbags weighing 5-15 kg), in exercises using block devices and elastic objects on simulators, in throwing various projectiles (stuffed balls, stones and cores of various weights - 2-10 kg, weights).


Speed-strength training can provide you with the development of the qualities of speed and strength in the widest range of their combinations. It includes three main areas, the division into which is conditional and is accepted for simplicity, clarity of presentation and accuracy in the application of exercises.

First. In the high-speed direction in training, the task is to increase the absolute speed of the main competitive exercise (running, jumping, throwing) or its individual elements (various movements of the arms, legs, body), as well as their combinations - starting acceleration and distance running, run-up and repulsion in jumps, acceleration of the body and the final part in throwing.

It is necessary to facilitate the conditions for performing these exercises: running out from a low start and accelerating with a reduction in the length of steps, the distance between the barriers, but increasing their pace, running or multi-jumping downhill, in the wind, repulsion from an elevation of 5-10 cm; use special simulators with front traction and blocks that lighten the body weight by 10-15% (during repulsion and running).

Movements should be performed as quickly as possible, preferably faster than the main exercise or its element, and alternate with a given speed - 95-100% of the maximum. The speed of movements is achieved by improving the coordination of movements and consistency in the work of muscle groups (tension-relaxation).

With continuous repetition of exercises, speed can be increased to maximum gradually - this will preserve freedom and range of motion. Enslavement and even straining is a serious enemy of speed.

These exercises are best performed at the beginning of a training session, after a warm-up, thoroughly warming up the muscles in preliminary repetitions (at a lower speed) of the selected exercise.

Second. With the speed-strength direction in training, the task is to increase the force of muscle contraction and the speed of movements.

The main competitive exercises or its individual elements are used, as well as their combinations without weights or with a small weight in the form of a belt, vest, cuffs in running, jumping, multi-hopping from different run-ups; running, jumping against the wind, uphill, increasing the length of steps, the distance between barriers, the height of obstacles. Exercises are performed as quickly as possible and alternate at a given speed. In these exercises, the greatest power of movements is achieved and their full amplitude is maintained.

Third. With the direction of force in preparation, the task is to develop the greatest force of contraction of the muscles involved in the performance of the main exercise.

The weight of weights or resistance ranges from 80% to the maximum, and the nature and pace of the exercise is different - from 60% to the fastest. The more the force of muscle contraction and your volitional efforts associated with it are manifested, the more effectively it develops. In these exercises, the highest indicators of absolute muscle strength are provided.

The most important!

To assess the effectiveness of speed-strength training, we strongly recommend that you systematically apply the method of various control exercises, which provides for multiple changes in indicators: time, distance, weight, number of repetitions, etc. The measurement must be carried out under standard conditions after a warm-up, at certain intervals (1 time in 1 -2 weeks), and be sure to follow the stages of training.

When performing special exercises, you should follow the methodological rules:

Express clearly, understand what motor task is solved in this exercise;

Develop motor sensations, muscle memory and control over freedom of movement;

Follow the correct pattern, amplitude, tempo and accents, as well as the angular values ​​of the manifestation of maximum muscle efforts for selective and most accurate impact on certain muscle groups in accordance with the working phases of the competitive exercise;

See and feel the main link and evaluate the effect of the exercise;

Repeated execution of inaccurate movements often brings only harm;

Use the reflex strength and elasticity of pre-stretched muscles, constantly stimulate the stretch reflex by performing exercises in the rhythm of elastic swings (follow the arrows in the figure);

Know (and then feel) that the faster the change in direction of movement is performed, the transition from the yielding mode in the work of the muscles to the overcoming, from flexion to extension, from “twisting” to “untwisting” and the shorter the braking path, the greater the effect your the musculoskeletal system in this exercise, concentrate volitional efforts on the energetic explosive nature of the manifestation of efforts;

Remember that the number of repetitions in one approach should be up to a feeling of slight fatigue, optimally 25-30 in jumping exercises and without weights, 10-15 in exercises using low weights or effort on simulators;

To a feeling of fatigue - complete fatigue in the approach in exercises with medium weights or efforts; 4-6 repetitions and 1-3 in exercises with large and maximum weights.

The duration of one approach for the development of strength is within 10 s. The greater the number of repetitions and the time of work, the more strength endurance develops. Rest between sets 3 min.

Use mixed modes:

Use the aftereffect - "fresh traces", alternating the use of small weights (belt, vest 0.25% of your weight) in the main and special exercises for technique and without weights;

Increase gradually to the maximum pace with repeated repetition of exercises;

It should be remembered that a change in the speed of movements during the performance of special and basic exercises (from slow, medium, fast to very fast) significantly updates their content and introduces something new into the sensations of the performer. Therefore, correct, but slow movements should be considered only as warm-up and tuning;

The load in strength training should gradually increase week by week both in volume (more repetitions) and in intensity (increasing the weight of weights or speed, the pace of exercise). The leading factor is the increase in the weight of the burden (by 2-3%). A hasty increase in weight (resistance) is the worst enemy of strength training.

Exercises that promote the development of speed-strength qualities used in the control group:

  • - jumping rope 3 times for 2 minutes (rest between rounds 30 seconds).
  • - running in place with high hips with straight punches
  • - 3 x 20 seconds (rest between sets 30 seconds).

Jumping "scissors" (change legs when jumping out of the lunge position, the knee of the back leg touches the floor) 3 x 10 times (rest between sets 20 seconds).

  • - flexion and extension of the arms in an emphasis lying down with repulsion from the floor 3 x 15 times (rest between sets 30 seconds).
  • - Jumping out of position full squat 3 x 15 times (rest between sets 30 seconds).
  • - Practicing strikes on a manual makiwara 3 times for 2 minutes (rest between rounds 45 seconds).

lifting the body to the legs from a supine position, legs bent

3 x 10 (rest between sets 40 seconds).

Combinations of punches and kicks on the sports bag (3-4 punches)

4 x 20 combinations (rest between sets 1 minute).

Outdoor games.

Exercises that promote the development of speed-strength qualities used in the experimental group:

Exercise List #1, (Monday):

  • 1. Jumping rope 3 x 2 minutes (rest 30 seconds)
  • 2. Running on the spot with straight punches 3 x 20 seconds (rest 30 seconds)
  • 3. Running in place in the supine position 3 x 20 seconds (rest 30 seconds)
  • 4. Punches or kicks on manual makiwaras with rubber expanders 3 x 2 min (rest 30 sec)
  • 5. Shuttle run with hand touching the floor 6 times 4 meters 3 sets (rest 30 seconds)

Exercise List #2, (Wednesday):

  • 1. Jump from two legs, knees touching the chest. 3 x 15 times
  • (rest between sets 30 seconds).
  • 2. punches on the hanging bag direct punches or kicks
  • 3. A set of exercises number 1
  • - 10 push-ups, 10 squats, 10 running in place in the prone position is performed with maximum intensity for 1 minute
  • 4. Hanging leg raise 10 reps + lying leg raise
  • 30 times 3 sets
  • 5. Push-ups from the floor, the elbows are bent along the body of the leg on the stand
  • 40 cm 10 times + push-ups from the floor 40 times

Exercise List #3, (Friday):

  • 1. Squats with the resistance of the partner's arms on the shoulders 3 x 15 times
  • 2. Push-ups from the floor with the resistance of the partner's hand on the shoulders 3 x 15 times
  • 3. Lifting the body from a prone position with the resistance of the partner's hands on the shoulders 3 x 15 times
  • 4. A set of exercises number 2:
    • - 10 sit-ups, 10 push-ups, 10 folds (simultaneous leg and body lifts).

Classes in the control group were held: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: from 16:00 to 17:30

Classes in the experimental group were held: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: from 18:00 to 19:30

General training plan:

  • 1. Warm up 15 min
  • - warm-up run (with short acceleration, with change of direction)
  • - warm-up and stretching exercises in place
  • -acrobatics
  • 2. Main part 40-50 min
  • -kihon (working out strikes and blocks with legs and arms in place, in motion)
  • - kumite (working out attacking and defensive actions in pairs on the spot or on the move)
  • - competitive practice (working out attacking and defensive actions in the mode of a sports duel)
  • 3. Strength training or outdoor games
  • 4. Muscle stretching exercises and breathing exercises During the experiment, the exercises used in the control group were used in training 2 times a week in various combinations, 4 exercises in each such training.

The exercises used in the experimental group were used in certain combinations, in the form of sets of exercises No. 1, No. 2, No. 3. Complex No. 1 was used in training sessions on Mondays, and complex No. 2 - on Wednesdays, complex No. 3 - on Fridays. Such a distribution of the load on the days of the week allows young athletes to recover from work of this nature.